13.1   Hand Dredge

             This gear is provided with either a bamboo or wooden handle. It can be pushed or dragged by one fisherman in waist-deep waters. The bamboo handle is 1.5-2.5 m long, with a diameter of 5.5 cm. The net is made of polyethylene PE 400d/9, 15-20 mm mesh size. The mouth opening is triangular in shape, 1.2-1.6 m. long in the base and 0.9-1.2 m on both sides.

                Other hand dredges consists of a wooden handle which is placed at the top of the dredge. It is used to control the touching of the bottom by the dredge base. It is also provided with a pull rope attached to the lower corners of the frame. The pull rope is put around the fisherman while moving backwards. The webbing is made of stainless steel chicken wire, of 1.5 mm., 1x1 cm. mesh size. The front frame is made of iron f 1.3 cm. with a vertical diameter of 55 cm. The gear is used to collect shell in the daytime.

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